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Study Tips from your President

We would like to wish all our members a very happy Easter break- Lent term has been an exhausting one, so remember to rest! That being said, with exams looming ahead, revision is an obvious must during this break.

Here are some study tips from Ivan Wing:

"We at LSESUMC believe in the principle of balance, and as such we humbly offer 7 select tips on how to achieve that golden equilibrium between work and play.

1) Sleep is important. Without sufficient sleep, it would be very difficult to concentrate and this could negatively impact your study time.

2) What works for you? Some like it on the desk, others on the bed. Some even like it in the library. Find an environment to study where you can concentrate without distractions.

3) Have a break. Cramming should only be done in small doses - give your brain a rest every hour or so. Take a walk or talk to a friend!

4) Bergotong-royong. Help each other and revise in groups. Everyone should aim to contribute and this will lead to success for all.

5) Study smart - it’s better to understand than to simply memorise.

6) Have some sun: summer comes with plenty of sunshine and warm weather - leave your cave every so often and get some fresh air!

7) Taking exams abroad may feel different from doing them at home so go through your ‘lucky exam rituals’ the way you would back in Malaysia! Drink your chicken essence, study in the right atmosphere, and look for those four leaf clovers!

Good luck in your exams everyone. They’ll be over before you know it! "


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